

Berkeley Prep 运动医学 工作人员 would like to welcome you and your team to the Tampa Bay area. 我们希望你在这里的经历是安全和愉快的. We wish to assist you in planning your medical needs for your upcoming travel to our campus.  If you have any questions or special needs regarding the medical services available to your athletes please contact us prior to your arrival.
加州大学棋牌游戏平台 预备学校
Lightning is the most consistent and significant weather hazard that may affect high school athletics, 特别是在 佛罗里达.  而被闪电击中的概率极低, the odds are significantly greater when a storm is in the area and the proper safety guidelines and precautions are not followed.
The chain of command for making the decision to remove a team or individuals from an athletic site or event is as follows:  When present the School Administrator, 危机管理领导, Head Coach and/or Certified and Licensed Athletic Trainer is responsible for keeping track of the proximity of imminent lightning activity, and ceasing all activity until safety is noted as stated in the procedure below:
  1. 预防是关键.  The coaching and/or sports medicine staff should check the weather reports each day before a practice or event.
  2. The coaching and sports medicine staffs should know the location of the closest safe shelter to the site and the time needed to reach this area.
    1. A safe shelter is defined as: Any sturdy building that has metal plumbing or wiring or both, 使结构接地.
  3. The coaching and sports medicine staff should be aware of how close lightning is striking.
    1. The use of the Telvent Weather Service and Lightning Monitoring through text message.
  1. If we receive a notice by text message that there has been a strike of lightning within an 8 mile radius, 所有活动应停止,所有人员应立即寻求庇护.
  2. 在最后一次闪电之后,至少要等待30分钟.  The Telvent Weather Service monitors all lightning strikes and will send an “all clear” text when it is safe to resume activities.
  3. 雷击受害者不携带电荷.  因此CPR对任何被闪电击中的受害者都是安全的.


  • Q. What do I do when my son or daughter has sustained an injury during a Berkeley or non-Berkeley Sporting event?

    Have your son or daughter see the Athletic Trainer as soon as possible to get the injury evaluated.  如果需要进一步的医疗照顾,可以尽快加快.  As well as keeping the coaches aware if the athlete needs special accommodations for practice or games.
  • Q. 如果我的儿子或女儿脑震荡了,我到底需要做什么?

    根据佛罗里达州法律, all student athletes receiving a concussion must be removed from play and evaluated.  如果有任何脑震荡的症状, 他们不允许回来参加同样的训练或比赛.   All upper division student athletes have received the computer based concussion test, 冲击试验.  我们将重复该测试并监测症状.  学生运动员还需要接受医生的评估.  一旦评估完毕,运动教练会给你提供更多的信息.
  • Q. 运动损伤是否在棋牌游戏平台健康保险范围内?

    Athletic Injuries that happened as a result to a Berkeley sponsored athletic event (home or away) are covered by your insurance as primary and school insurance would be secondary.   The athletic trainers will complete an injury report and then submit to the athletic office to then submit it to our insurance company.
成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.
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